Hans Beimler Missile Boat, Peenemünde
The People's Fleet of the German Democratic Republic (Volksmarine) consisted of five Molniya-type missile boats built in the USSR in 1986. After the unification of Germany, these ships became part of the Bundesmarine and served until 1990. The boat with the number VM PtNo 575. "Hans Beimler" in 1994 was transferred to the Museum of Technology in Peenemünde, now it is moored in the harbor as a museum ship. I offer you a story about his visit and a detailed description of his weapons, equipment and interior spaces.

Project 1241.RE 'Molnija' (Tarantul-class) Missile Boat History and Description

In 1973, the government of the USSR commissioned the Central Naval Design Bureau "Almaz" to create a small strike ship to carry the Moskit anti-ship missiles. This development was a response to the appearance of similar ships in the NATO naval forces...read more
Crew Living Quarters

The Hans Beimler missile boat inspection route starts from the crew
quarters. The
boat's crew consists of 38 people, including the commander, and its
spacious cabin is located in the first tier of the superstructure, under
the conning tower...read more
Control Room

All ship and armament control systems are located in the forward part of
the superstructure. The largest room is occupied by the missile weapons
control equipment located on the starboard side...read more
Utility Rooms

I descend from the control room to the superstructure corridor. Directly
below the wheelhouse is the commander's cabin, which we have already
been to, so we go in the direction of the stern...read more
Missile Armament

Molnija-type missile boats carry four anti-ship missiles as their main armament, placed in twin launchers on the sides of the superstructure. The first series of ships used cruise missiles P-15 "Termit" (according to the NATO classification SS-N-2 Styx) adopted in 1960...read more
АК-176 Naval Gun

Soviet project 1241 "Molniya" missile corvettes (Tarantul class in NATO) were armed with an AK-176 universal artillery system mounted in the bow...read more
Anti-aircraft Armament

In the aft part of the ship, air defense equipment is installed, which
includes two AK-630M artillery units and an anti-aircraft missile system
Strela-3, as well as equipment for setting up a smoke screen...read more