Twindefossen Waterfall
Early in the morning, we left the cozy hotel on the quiet and picturesque lake Oppheimsvannet and headed along the E16 highway towards Bergen. Just a few kilometers later we stop at another miracle of the Norwegian landscape.

The step waterfall Tvindefossen on the small river Kroelvi does not differ in record height, only 116 meters, but it is one of the most beautiful cascading waterfalls in Europe. His fame was brought by a painting by Johan Christian Dahl, painted in 1830.

The water level in the river strongly depends on the season, at the end of summer the waterfall has not the most spectacular appearance, but this has its advantage: now most of the ledges are not hidden by the roaring stream, the water slowly flows from one to the other.

The stream is divided into two parts, and it is difficult to count the cascades, but there are at least twelve of them.

From the road to the waterfall about 150 meters, the path goes along the river.

Here the water flows among huge stones that form numerous rapids.

According to an ancient legend, bathing in a waterfall gives the effect of rejuvenation, but I have not seen anyone willing to test this wonderful property.

Since the 90s of the 20th century, water has also been attributed to an increase in sexual potency, since then some people go here specifically to collect a canister. Of course, all this is nothing more than a lure for tourists, but the taste of the water, of course, is excellent.

There is the Tvinde Camping AS near the waterfall. The waterfall is visited by up to 270 thousand tourists a year, it is one of the ten most popular places in Norway.