Barcelona-Frankfurt-Yekaterinburg, Lufhansa

Here's my Lufthansa A321, just arrived from Frankfurt am Main. I'll be flying back on it in a little over an hour.

After a short wait, I'm on board the plane. The layout is single-room, as in low-cost airlines. It takes only a couple of hours to fly, and intra-European flights are no different from a tram ride in everyday life.

We start moving in the take-off area.

After leaving the El Part airport runway, the plane immediately began to turn towards the sea.

We go along the coast of Barcelona. Airport on the right, seaport on the left.

And between them is the mouth of the Llobregat River, the second largest in Catalonia after the Ebro.

After about half an hour of flying over the sea, the plane crossed the coastline, and soon snow-capped peaks appeared under the wing.

The flight route passed over the French Alps, and a little over the Swiss.

The valley of the Rhone River, which originates in the Swiss glaciers.

Over the Alps, passengers were offered refreshment. Despite the shortness of the flight, there was a full set for lunch: salad, meat or fish dish, dessert, drinks without restrictions. Half an hour later, the plane began to descend. A short transfer, actually running through the endless gallery of Frankfurt airport for a flight to Yekaterinburg. Unfortunately, this very convenient flight is not available, Lufthansa left Koltsovo airport due to insane fuel prices, a little before waiting for the 20th anniversary of flights to the Ural capital.

Most of the five-hour flight took place in darkness, and only over Central Russia did the sky lighten, and somewhere over Kama, the sun began to break through the veil of clouds.

We are landing at the Koltsovo aeroprot, and dawn is just beginning to break over Yekaterinburg.

Although the picture is blurry, the Ural skyscrapers are clearly visible.