Old Copper Smelting Factory, Røros
The main historical attraction of Røros is the old smelter Smelthytta Røros, an industrial monument. It is hard to believe that for a long time it was one of the largest non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises in Europe.

The Røros Copperworks mining company was formed in 1644 and two years later the first smelting furnace started operating in Røros. The ore was delivered from the mine by sledges and carts to the ore yard, then, together with the fuel, it was lifted up the inclined wooden deck to the loading throats of the furnaces.

In 1880, the factory was substantially rebuilt and the large industrial building became a landmark of Rerus along with the Mountain church. Here, the loading of the furnaces was already mechanized and the trolleys with raw materials were lifted by means of a winch driven by an electric motor. The Rerus smelter was bypassed by the era of steam, here they immediately switched from water wheels to electric drive.

The smelter was closed in 1957, and the mine operated for another 20 years, sending ore for processing by rail to more modern production facilities. In 1975, the wooden building was completely destroyed by fire, then restored to the appearance of the late 19th century and the museum of mining and metallurgy was opened here.