Walk Along Fjaerlandfjord bank
In the Fjærland village, we had to meet our bus traveling down the coast until we floated on a boat on Fjaerlandfjord. The bus was supposed to take us to the Norwegian glacier Museum, located a couple of kilometers from the village. However, the bus on the road from Sogndal got stuck in traffic near the tunnel. A trailer in the tunnel recently caught fire, and there were no injuries, but the tunnel needed repairs, so traffic was limited. We didn't wait for the bus, but went on foot to the Museum.

The road ran directly to the water, and on the other side, on the outskirts of the village, a masterpiece of wooden architecture - a typical representative of the Scandinavian summer cottage style-towered over the road.

Further away, there were several simpler houses.

Yes, living in such a house is just a dream...only it must be very boring. Although, how can you get bored with the surrounding nature of such beauty? Probably, the inhabitants of small Norwegian villages think so.

The road is enclosed vertically by the buried stones, reminiscent of the teeth of the dragon.

Или, может быть, это окаменевшие тролли?

Здесь, глубоко врезаясь в сушу, кончается рукав фьорда. Гигантский ледник, сползая в море, прорезал в горах эту долину и русло фьорда.

Periodically drizzling rain could not spoil the pleasure of walking through such a wonderful area.