Peniscola. Sunset on South beach
After walking along the ramparts of ancient streets, I passed through the portal of FOSC and descended to the quarters of the modern city.
Bateríadel Calvario on the map, on the corner you can see the coat of arms of felippe II, at whose direction these fortifications were built in the late 16th century.
I certainly understand the design, original... but impractical somehow.
My goal was to find a place to eat while admiring the sunset views of the fortress. I soon found such an establishment opposite the South beach, near the Plaza de La Constitución (Plaza Constitución on the map).
С этой точки можно оценить размеры и высоту замка Папы Луны, из под его стен сооружение не выглядит столь масштабно.
Пока я ждал заказ, резкие краски солнечного дня сменились мягкими закатными тонами.
In General, the sunset turned out to be quite ordinary. In Peniscola, I did not see the bright Golden hues of the Catalan colorsTarragona orTortosa.