Vesuvio and Herculanum, April 03
From Naples to Mount Vesuvius by Public Transport

preparing for the trip, I read a lot of tips on how to climb mount
Vesuvius - from some sightseeing buses from Naples to a transfer by jeeps
from Sorrento. It
was a lot easier - the landlady where I was staying, advised to get the
train to Ercolano Scavi station, line Naples-Sorrento, supplied me with
bus schedules "Vesuvio's Express" more
Climbing to the crater of Vesuvius

The crater is still a kilometer and a half away, they need to be
overcome on foot, while climbing two hundred meters up. The trail is
allowed only with tickets, we presented our Vesuvio Express tickets.
Those who have been waiting on their own transport can buy tickets on
the spot for 10 more
Vesuvius. Walk Around the Crater more
Naples surroundings from the top of mount Vesuvius more
Herculanum more
Herculanum, part 2 more















































































































































































