Casa Sancho, Valencia
At the intersection of Calle de la Paz and Calle Comedias there is an apartment building built in 1901 by order of entrepreneur Jose Sancho. The project was executed by architect Joaquín María Arnau Miramón, a recognized master of Valencian eclectic romanticism, this is one of the best works of the architect. The house has five floors and two facades facing different streets, they are connected by a hexagonal bay window starting from the second floor and topped by a tower with a pointed spire and wide canopies typical of traditional Spanish architecture. The Art Nouveau style is represented by blue panels above the windows of the upper floor depicting vegetation in the sgraffito technique.

Miramón made extensive use of cast iron load-bearing structures and decorations in his projects. Here we see the figured columns supporting the balconies as well as the openwork decorations of the window.