Malaga - El Chorro Train
The easiest way to the Caminito del Rey starts in Malaga, at the Maria Sambrano Train Station. The train to El Chorro station departs at 10:05 am daily, with a journey time of 42 minutes. A one-way ticket costs 4.85 euros and can be purchased at the ticket office or vending machine, as well as through the Renfe Spanish Railways website. The return train departs from El Chorro at 18: 03, try not to miss it, as there will be no other opportunity to leave from there. If you don't take into account the taxi, of course. If you manage to run the Trail earlier, you can leave at 15:13, but this is unlikely.

During the trip, you can admire the landscapes of the foothills of the province of Malaga.

The land here is very fertile, so you can see endless fields outside the window.

Old arch bridge over the Guadalhorce River near Pizarra. As you can see, it is now a small stream, but before the construction of the dams in El Chorro, flooding caused great trouble for farmers.

The town of Álora is located 40 kilometers north of Malaga.

The Álora hills are home to crops, olive trees, oaks, fruits and vegetables.

The train runs almost all the way along the fertile valley of the Guadalhorose River, which is crossed by many ancient stone bridges.

Gradually, the hills are getting higher, the train is approaching the spurs of the Cordillera Betica mountain range.

Our train arrived at El Chorro station.

This is a small settlement located on the banks of the reservoir of the Tago de la Encantada (Tajo de la Encantada). Here is the southern entrance of Caminito del Rey.