Malaga. El Almacén Del Indiano Restaurant
Actually, this is not a restaurant, but a shop-diner, which offers the best samples of traditional Andalusian cuisine.

Here you can taste products made using classic technologies: ham, sausages, cheeses, sweets and wash it down with a variety of wines.

Products and wines are "small-scale goods" from farmers, each of which has its own special secret of production and unique taste. Despite the exclusivity of the product, the prices are quite affordable. However, this applies to most catering establishments in Malaga. Despite a sharp increase in the number of tourists over the past 3 years, prices have not changed much compared to 2013, when I was here for the first time.

It also attracts attention to the design of the restaurant.

Old advertising posters of agricultural products are displayed on the walls.

The diner is located at the intersection of Cisneros and Fernand Gonzales streets (on the map).