Oratorio de Santa María Reina y Madre, Malaga
Walking through the intricate labyrinths of old Malaga, I found myself in the small Plazuela Virgen de las Penas square, located at the junction of Calle Arco de la Cabeza and Calle Pozos Dulces. Here I found a very neat little church with a surprisingly harmonious facade and painted in bright colors. This church belongs to the Brotherhood of Sorrows (Cofradía de las Penas) and was recently opened on November 1, 2008. This community was organized in 1935, and for the first time participated in the Great Monday procession in 1943 with the image of the Sorrowing Mother of God. The community consisted of poor people, so they did not have the funds for a gold-embroidered mantle of the Virgin, and they found an original solution - they made a mantle of flowers. This idea was enthusiastically received by the residents of Malaga and contributed to the popularity of the society and, as a result, its financial condition. Over time, Borgorditsa acquired a luxurious mantle and in one of the subsequent processions she was presented in this form. This caused great dissatisfaction with the public, and now the brotherhood members are building a floral outfit for the processions. The theme of flowers also became dominant in the decoration of their new church. The church has one nave surrounded by semicircular arches and made of red marble El Torcal. The walls are covered with bright and meaningful paintings by Raúl Berzosa Fernández. And, of course, the most valuable are the ornate platforms for processions with images of the Virgin Mary and the Crucified Jesus. The church is open from Monday to Friday and on public holidays from 18:30 to 20:30.














