Serrara Village
After about 15 minutes of leisurely walking along a road with scenic views, I reached the village of Serrara, which is just a mile and a half from Fontana. Serrara is the center of the smallest and highest mountain commune on the island of Ischia, Serrara Fontana.

The commune consists of several other small settlements: Noia, Calimera, Chiglio, Sukkivo, Sant'Angelo. Among the natural attractions of interest is the picturesque forest area "Phalanx".

The village is located on the southern slope of the island at an altitude of 366 meters above sea level. Historians claim that the first settlement here was founded by the Phoenicians in the 8-10 centuries BC.

After the Phoenicians, this area was inhabited by the Greeks, archaeological finds indicate that clay was mined here and there were ceramic workshops. During excavations in the present village of Noia, many remains of Hellenic dishes dating back to the 4th century BC were discovered. In the local dialect, you can still find Greek roots.

In the Middle Ages, the center of this area was again Noia, where the bishop's residence was located. The name Serrara was first mentioned in the 17th century, when the monastery was founded here. The village is very small, consisting of just three streets and two dozen buildings.

In the center of the village is the administration of the commune of Serrara Fontana, an old building of a former monastery made of gray stone and two churches.

A large archway to the left of the Town Hall b leads to Piazza Pietro Paolo Iacono, the main square of the settlement.

On the facade of the Town Hall you can see two old ceramic panels depicting the Virgin Mary with angels.

The square is home to the Serrara bus stop on the CS and CD lines.

The square ends with a viewing platform - a Belvedere, which offers one of the best views on the island.