Walk from Fontana to Serrara
After coming down from Monte Epomeo and looking into the little church of Fontana village, I took the CD ring line bus, hoping to reach the village of Serrara. However, at the second stop, the driver started a lively conversation with a passing local resident, apparently a friend or relative. After about five minutes, he finally remembered about the passengers and said that the Kaput bus will not go any further, get off and wait for the next one, which will be in 15 minutes. There were no visible problems with the vehicle, and the driver calmly continued the conversation. From this I concluded that the stories about the local transport practices were still valid, although in the first days of my stay on the island I did not find any confirmation of this. Passengers, without expressing any displeasure, acted differently - someone remained sitting, apparently knowing that the conversation would end sooner or later, someone went out and sat on a bench at the bus stop to wait for the next bus. Well, I decided to walk to my destination - according to the navigator, there was no more than half a kilometer to go to Serrara, and the road went downhill.

There was no pedestrian sidewalk as such, but I was already used to this feature of the local roads. I want to say that I saw more than one vehicle on the road during the whole walk.

On the right side were snow-white houses with terraced gardens, separated from the road by fences made of old spring beds.

In the walls of many houses there is a niche with figures of saints or ceramic panels with their images, these are the patrons of the family and home.

On the other side, on the left, you could see the town of Barrano d'Ischia and the promontory with Monte Cotto.

Through the telephoto lens, you can see the vertiginous serpentine of Maronti, leading along the slope of Monte Cotto to the eponymous beach with thermal hotels.

This scenic road starts from the village of Testaccio, where you can take a bus, climb to the top of Monte Cotto, and then follow the serpentine path to the beach.

Beyond the summit of Monte Cotto, in the blue haze of the Bay of Naples, you can see the silhouettes of the Sorrento Peninsula and the island of Capri.

After walking for about fifteen minutes along this scenic road, I reached the village of Serrara. Although the straight line from Fontana is only half a kilometer away, the winding road leaves more than twice as much.