Via Panoramica Valle dei Templi, Agrigento
The road that runs along the eastern border of the Valley of the Temples starts in the south-eastern part of Agrigento and leads to the northern entrance of the archaeological park. If you want to take this scenic route, you need to go directly to Viale della Vittoria from the train station. From this boulevard, you can enjoy panoramic views of the coast almost immediately.

After half a kilometer, the boulevard continues Via Antonio Gramsci, which leads you to an endless stone wall that runs up the hill.

Here you will see the entrance to the cemetery, where I also recommend looking, I told you about it in the previous article.

Beyond the cemetery, Strada Provinciale 4 begins, along which there is a walking route called Via Panoramica Valle dei Templi.

The road is about a kilometer long and goes downhill. The only drawback is that the pedestrian path is far from ideal and requires shoes with thick soles.

After passing the Casa di Mammi Hotel, look to the right and you will realize that you have chosen this relatively long route for a reason. The road fully lives up to its name: it offers spectacular views of gigantic ruins.

First of all, the eye catches on the Temple of Concord (Tempio delle Concordia).

This gigantic structure is well preserved and its monumental appearance makes a great impression.

To the right, we can see a group of columns, which is all that remains of the Temple of Hercules (Tempio di Ercole).

On the left, you can see the remains of the walls of the Byzantine period, inside which there are funerary arches (Arcosoli Bizantini).

Finally, the parking lot at the entrance to the archaeological park is already visible below. Above it stands the colonnade of the temple of Juno (Tempio di Giunone), the patroness of family and motherhood.

It offers another impressive view of the Temple of Hercules.