Moscow. Teatralnaya square, hotel Metropol

The journey to the westernmost point of Europe began in Moscow. Arriving at Kazansky train station in the morning, I took my belongings to a storage room in Belarusian, and went to a small photo walk through the very center of the city. This time, I decided to pay attention to several architectural monuments that are well known and just "blurred the eye".

Theatre square. State Academic Bolshoi theatre.

Theatre square. State Academic Bolshoi theatre Theatre square. State Academic Bolshoi theatre

The square after reconstruction has acquired a completely unusual appearance. Maybe I don't understand it, but the dark marble of the curbs and fountain doesn't seem to go well with the theater building.

Theatre square. State Academic Bolshoi theatre

Hotel Metropol, built in 1905, is the largest and most striking building in Russia in the art Nouveau style (in Europe, this style was called art Nouveau, not to be confused with modernism).

Moscow. Hotel Metropol

The original appearance of the building is given by mosaic panels and bas-reliefs decorating the fourth floor.

Moscow. Hotel Metropol. Mosaic panel Moscow. Hotel Metropol. Mosaic panel

Okhotny Ryad, view from the side of Teatralny proezd.

Moscow, Okhotny Ryad