Colosseum Museum
The Colosseum Museum is located under the outer arches of the second tier.

Here you can see the few remaining fragments of decoration.

The layouts clearly show the arrangement of stands and aisles for the public. Modern sports facilities can have a very diverse appearance, but nothing new has been invented in terms of the construction of stands for two millennia.

And the mechanisms used in the arena. As you can see, the wooden floor of the arena had a lot of hatches, through which animals, people and scenery were lifted to its surface by means of elevators, appearing "from under the ground". All this complex machinery was driven by the muscular power of the slaves.

Stone counterweights. These loads are used in the systems of mechanization of the stage in theatres.

The objects found during the excavations of the tribunes are mainly dishes. As now, going to the cinema, stock up on popcorn, the ancient Romans also liked to chew something during the spectacle. In the boxes where the aristocracy were housed, it was possible to have a full meal and drink wine.

On the upper tiers, the treats were simpler, using disposable Cutlery such as chopsticks and spatulas.

A large number of lamp bowls were found in the dungeons.

And the remains of wild animals that took part in duels.

The galleries of the Colosseum were decorated with busts of famous gladiators, who were real folk idols.