Rome at the End of March

Fom Yekaterinburg to Rome, 23/03

Fom Yekaterinburg to Rome, 23/03 more

Termini and Borghese, 24/03

Rome - Termini and Borghese, 24/03 more

Barberini Palace and National Museum, 25/03

Rome - Barberini Palace and National Museum, 25/03 more

Sallustiano, Salario and Trieste, 26/03

Rome - Sallustiano, Salario and Trieste, 26/03 more

Morning Rome View and Villa Torlonia, 27/03

Morning Rome View and Villa Torlonia, 27/03 more

Esquilino and Tuscolano, 28/10

Rome, Esquilino and Tuscolano, 28/10 more

Quirinale and Borghese, 29/03

Rome - Quirinale abd Borghese, 29/03 more

Terme di Сaracalla and City Walls, 30/10

Rome - Terme di Сaracalla and City Walls, 30/10 more