Donostia-San Sebastian. Old lighthouse on mount Igeldo (Torre de Igueldo)
On the top of Igeldo mountain, surrounded by an amusement Park, there is a fortress-like tower.

Archival documents say that a light signal on mount Igeldo was active as early as the 16th century, warning sailors about the dangerous entrance to the Bay of La Concha.

In 1748, a tower was built at a height of 180 meters, called "Faroa". The lighthouse was constantly active from September 14 to may 3, its light was visible for 50 kilometers. During the Carlite wars, the tower was damaged and abandoned.

In 1854-1855, a new lighthouse was built at an altitude of 134 meters on the slope of the mountain overlooking the ocean.

In 1912, as part of the construction of the amusement Park, the tower was restored to the design of Luis Elizalde (Luis Elizalde) and received a glass-enclosed gallery at the top and a viewing platform above it.

In addition, on the inner walls of the tower, you can see old photos and household items and tools of crafts.

There is also an Elevator inside the tower, but I went up on foot. Since the wind was blowing strongly from the ocean, the tower was draughty, despite the fact that the Windows were glazed.

С верхнего яруса бани на обзорную площадку ведут винтовые лестницы в угловых башенках. Хотя в окнах-щелях этих башенок ветер жутко завывал, на самом верху оказалось совсем не так страшно.

In the center of the site is a pointer to the surrounding mountain peaks.

The pointer is great for putting a camera on it and capturing yourself, your loved one.

From the height of the tower, you can enjoy stunning views of San Sebastian, La Concha Bay and the beaches.