Donostia-San Sebastian. Paseo de Miraconcha
From the hill where is located the Miramar Palace, in the center is stretched the most prestigious street of San Sebastian - Paseo de Miraconcha (bask. Mirakontxa pasealekua on the map).

The name can be translated as "view of Concha", and indeed, this place offers the best panorama of the Bay.

On the left, you can see an artificial tunnel built together with the Royal residence. The coastal road was sheltered by an archway that led directly from the Palace grounds to the beach.

Naturally, this wonderful place was built up with expensive buildings of refined architecture.

The cost of apartments in these buildings reaches 15 thousand euros per square meter.

Most of the buildings belong to the period called "Belle Epoque" (the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century).

This was the time of the heyday of the architectural style "modern".

I must say that on the Northern coast of Spain, the architecture of this era is more strict than, for example, in Catalonia.

The portal of the building is made in the form of the Greek letter "omega" - a symbol of the modern style.

Another distinctive feature of the style - metal openwork lattice balconies.

On the Boulevard, you can also see modern buildings of original architecture.

At the bottom of pasec Miraconcha, surrounded by a small Park is a luxurious mansion in neo-Baroque style.

Judging by the exterior, the house has long been abandoned by its owners.

Another mansion, whose architect seems to have taken inspiration from the Soviet constructivism of the 20-30s of the last century.

The Boulevard ends with a small triangular square, the most prestigious houses in San Sebastian.