Donostia-San Sebastian. Koncha Boulevard (Kontxa pasealekura)
The Central part of the Gulf embankment is the main promenade of the city.

Towers with dials are installed in the middle part of the Boulevard.

One of them shows the time.

Другая - атмосферное давление. К вечеру барометр начал падать, небо затянуло тучами, а совсем скоро пошел дождь. Следующее утро тоже не порадовало погодой, был туман и в воздухе висела водяная пыль. Это полностью сорвало мои утренние планы, и пришлось отменить восхождение на гору Ургуль. Начало октября - начало сезона дождей, который несут ветры с Атлантики.

San Sebastian is considered one of the best resorts in Europe, this place is considered prestigious and quite expensive (for all my trips to Spain, the cost of an overnight stay here was significantly higher than in other places). Accordingly, the audience here is mostly from non-poor European countries, although I have also had the opportunity to communicate with Australians and Canadians. But what I didn't see here was the ubiquitous Chinese. However, there are no Japanese here either, residents of the wealthiest Eastern country still prefer more budget-friendly places.

The time of high tide invariably attracts viewers, as this phenomenon is also accompanied by a spectacular surf.

Concha Boulevard ends with Cervantes square, decorated with such wonderful lanterns.