Zumardja Boulevard. San Sebastián (Donostia)

About the traditional music of the veranda were crowded with several dozen people with flags and banners. It turned out that this is a rally of the trade Union, referred to as the "Confederation of Workers 'commissions" (CCOO). In 2012, Spain experienced the peak of the economic crisis, the unemployment rate reached 25% by may. Despite the fact that the Russian media reported all sorts of horrors with riots, road closures and burning tires, nothing like we have not seen for the entire journey. The rally in San Sebastian was held in the format of a family club, and the protesters did not look ragged and exhausted.

15 minutes later, about the protest I was a flyers taped to the railing of the veranda.

Hernani Kalea street, at the end of which the gothic tower of the Cathedral is visible. At right is Alderdi Eder Park.