Bilbao. Night walk along the embankment. part 1
The Central part of Bilbao is located in the bend of the river Nervión (Nervión), whose embankments stretch for almost 3 kilometers. The main architectural monuments of the modern city are located here. Let's start acquaintance with them from the bridge of Euskalduna (Spanish Puente Euskalduna, Basque Euskalduna Zubia), the word this comes from Euskaldunak - so the Basques themselves call themselves.

The bridge was built in 1997 according to the project of engineer Javier Manterola (Javier Manterola). Pedestrian bridge gallery.

To the West of the bridge, you can see the old docks, which now houses a Museum dedicated to the history of shipbuilding in the Basque Country (Museo Maritimo Ria de Bilbao).

Follow the arc of the overpass down to the other Bank of the river. Here begins the embankment-Park.

Once again, let's look at the panorama of the left Bank, at the old docks, with a bright red port crane. On the right, you can see the bowl of the Nueva San Mames stadium (Basque. Berria San Mames Estadio (Spanish: Nuevo estadio de San Mamés), opened in 2013.

We will walk along the embankment upstream of the river. To the left of the Euskalduna bridge stands the Palace of Congress and music with the same name, (Spanish: Palacio Euskalduna de Congresos y de la Música, Basque. Euskalduna Jauregia).

The tallest building in the city, the tower of Iberdrola (Torre Iberdrola), was built in 2011.

Небоскреб имеет высоту 165 метров и 41 этаж.

Разводной мост Деусто (Puente de Deusto), построен в 1936 году. Авторы проекта - инженеры Игнасио де Ротаече и Хосе Ортис де Артиньяно. С постройкой моста Эускалдуна, судоходство вверх по Нервьону прекратилось и мост больше не разводят.

Pedestrian bridge (Pasarela Pedro Arrupe).

The Guggenheim Museum, the most recognizable building in the city.