Casa Gómez II, Valencia
At the corner of Calle La Paz and Carrer de Bonaire is one of the most beautiful buildings in Valencia, an apartment building built in 1905. Its construction began in 1902 by order of a large Valencian entrepreneur Manuel Gómez. Initially, the author of the project was the Valencian architect Antonio Martorell y Trilles, but after laying the foundation, Gómez hired two more architects from the Barcelona school, Enric Sagnier and Francisco Mora, who radically redesigned the exterior of the building.

It was the second house designed by Sagnier for Gomez, so it is also known as Casa Sagniner II. Many sources attribute the authorship to Mora, but he himself admitted that he only supervised the construction. The Gómez I (Sagnier I) building is located in the same block, at the next intersection.