Plaça del Prim and Raval de Jesus, Reus
San Juan street opens to the Plazadel Prim ( on the map) - the center of cultural life of the city. It is named after a native of Reus, General Juan prima, whose monument can be seen in the center of the square.

Juan Primi Prats (1814-1870), count of Reus. He was military Governor of Barcelona, then Governor of Puerto Rico, and won a number of victories in Mexico and Morocco. Note actively (and often by force) he participated in political life, promoting the idea of an "Iberian Union" between Spain and Portugal, as a result of which he was killed by his opponents.

Behind the monument is visibleTheatre Fortuny (theatre Fortuny) built in 1882 and named after the artist Mariano Fortuny, a resident of Reus. The author of the project is the architect Francesc Blanc (Francesc Blanc), the decoration of the building was performed by Josep Maria Puig (Josep Maria Puig). In 1919, the space was purchased by the company "El Círcol", having arranged a cinema here. In 1981, the building was purchased by the city administration and reconstructed, in 1988, here again began to give tetaral performances. On the sides of the theater are two identical buildings of the same styleCasa Beringela and Casa Leopoldo Suqué (Casa Beringola, Casa Leopoldo Suqué).

At the square, I turned into the street of Jesus (Raval de Jesus)where I found several interesting buildings that were not marked on the tourist map. Casa Massó ( on the map), a building built in the early 20th century.

Фасад декорирован в технике сграффито с характерными растительно-цветочными сюжетами.

Вплотную к Каса Массо стоит дом с облицовкой "под камень" и оригинальным карнизом крыши.

Этот домик декорирован в технике сграффито. Здесь мы опять видим цветочные орнаменты.

Эклектичное здание постройки конца 19 века (Raval de Jesús, 20).

Кинотеатр "Монтерроса" (Cine Monterrosa), начало 20 века. Стиль постройки обозначен как "академический монументализм".

Еще одно здание в стиле эклектики (Raval de Jesús, 14).