Landscapes Of Andalusia. From Granada to Antequera
From Granada to Antequera it is usually possible to get by train, but at the station I immediately saw a large poster stating that due to the reconstruction of the main line, the section from Granada to Ronda is closed, and transportation is carried out by buses. The same thing was explained to me in detail at the ticket office when buying a ticket. A few minutes before the departure time indicated on a regular train ticket, three white buses arrived at the station, their placards showing their destination stations. On the bus going to Antequera, there were two other passengers besides me, and the rest were loaded in the same way - on may 1, a holiday, "Labor Day".

I was only too happy to enjoy the picturesque views of the plains of Central Andalusia, as the view from the train is much worse than from the bus, and does not interfere with the poles of the contact network, which constantly fall into the center of the frame.