Wood Inlay Artwork Collection, Sorrento
The Monastery of St. Francis (Convento Di San Francesco d'Assisi), founded in the eighth century, occupies a large territory, but over time the number of monks here has significantly decreased, so some of the premises are used for musical events and exhibitions. During my visit to the monastery, I had the opportunity to inspect the collection of wood inlays. This kind of art originated in Sorrento in the Middle Ages and reached perfection and wide fame in the 19th century. And now a lot of craftsmen are engaged in traditional craft in the city, who are trained by the local art school. In the shops of Sorrento, paintings, caskets, jewelry made in this technique are sold. And you can get acquainted with the furniture of the 18th-19th century, decorated with inlays, in the Bottega Museum, located in the Palazzo Pomarici Santomasi on Via S.Nicola, 28.







