Capri. Terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

Finally, we will go to the observation platform (on the map), located on the terrace of a high rock, from where a magnificent panorama opens.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

On the left, you can see the complex of the monastery of San Giacomo, founded in 1363 by the Carthusian order.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

To the right, mount Tuoro rises 262 meters above sea level. Below and to the right of the top, you can see a building overhanging the slope - this is the Punta Tragara 5* hotel, one of the most exclusive in the world. The hotel has a total of 43 rooms, each of which has a unique interior. From the Windows of the rooms come amazing views, for which guests are willing to pay in high season from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand euros, and rooms need to be booked very well in advance.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

In particular, the southern Windows of the hotel overlook the famous Faraglioni di Terra rocks.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

Это чудо природы уже нам знакомо по водной прогулке вдоль берегов острова.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

Looking down, we will see the stunning azure of the coastal waters and the rock Scoglio Unghia Marina.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

Probably, many who have visited the island regret that such wonderful coves can only be reached with mountaineering equipment or by water.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

The almost vertical slope is covered with lush vegetation.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)

It's just amazing how such a riot of greenery holds up on the rocks.

Capri. Views from the terrace of the gardens of Augusto (Terrazza dei Giardini di Augusto)