Capri. Evening at the port
At sunset, we return to the Marina Grande Harbor.
The Waterfront Christopher Columbus.
On the right, you can see the tower of a Villa built in the Arab style.
Fishing here, I think, is doing well, I saw a couple of fish pulled out.
The pleasure fleet is at anchor, the tourist season has not yet begun. Although in my opinion, the time is most appropriate - not cold or hot.
Most of them have female names with the initial S.-Saint.
At sunset, the mountains of the Sorrento Peninsula became much more clearly visible, and, as it might seem, much closer. In fact, it is about 10 kilometers away. During the day, under the rays of the sun, sea
water intensively evaporates, forming a haze, and in the evening the air
becomes transparent.
Here in the Harbor came our ship, it is time to return to Naples.
On the evening flight, there are again very few passengers, almost no tourists, most of them are local residents.
This is the end of my first acquaintance with Naples and the surrounding area, but I will definitely return here