Nuru Osmaniye Boulevard at Evening

On Vezirhan Street is the main entrance to Nuruosmaniyeh Mosque, and opposite it is a block that is completely different from the intricate mazes of this area.


From the gate of the mosque starts a completely European street Nuru Osmaniye Caddesi, with real" Parisian " boutiques. Most of the street is pedestrian-friendly.


However, the signs do not let you forget that you are in the east.


Modern buildings also have elements and decor typical of Islamic architecture.


After walking to the end of the pedestrian section, I turned onto Türbedar Street, which led me to the former Vezir Hani caravanserai. It was built in 1659 by Fazil Ahmet Pasha. Later, a community of Georgian Catholics lived in it. Currently, it houses stores.
