Tower of the winds (La Torres dels vents)
The final section of the city's centerline defined by the new Rambla Boulevard bears the name OfRambla de Francesc Macià), named after the 122 President of Catalonia. When elected in 1931, Masia declared independence of Catalonia, but as a result was content with expanding autonomy within the Spanish Republic. Francesc Masia was a symbol of the nationalist movement, and his funeral in Barcelona in 1933 resulted in a mass demonstration.

At the end of the alley is a monument to Antoni Castelltort (Antoni Mas Castelltort), opened in 2006. The metal structure is a thirty-meter-long perforated prism held by a parabolic arch. The column is surmounted by a weathercock in the form of two intersecting four-meter rings, over which a two-meter lightning rod towers. The monument is made by Schwartz-Hautmont Construcciones Metálicas S. A., a company known for its participation in such landmark projects as the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, the Montjuic Telecommunications tower in Barcelona, as well as many industrial and energy structures. The monument has an led lighting system controlled by a computer, which allows you to create dynamic visual images (it is a pity that I only learned about this now, otherwise I would not have been too lazy to go there in the evening. Another reason to return...). According to the author's idea, the sculpture should Express "the movement and work of modern Tarragona" (El moviment i el treball dels tarragonins), but during the opening, mayor Joan Miquel Nodal, referring to the weather vane, named the structure "Tower of the winds" (La Torre dels Vents on the map). The name became popular and was officially assigned to the monument.

Here ends the almost two-kilometer-long boom of boulevards, which originates on the North side of the city.On the Mediterranean balcony. Francesc Macia Boulevard is surrounded by the urban areas of modern Tarragona, where the monument of Antoni Casteltorot was built.