Plaça de Catalunya in May. Pigeons and Pickets

On my way back to my hotel in the evening, I paused in Plaza Catalunya. It is always lively here, this place is popular with both tourists and locals, and you can always find interesting subjects for photos.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

Today my attention was drawn to a scene with feeding pigeons. In fact, in most European cities, this is not encouraged, and in some places they can be fined. Pigeon droppings create significant problems with the cleanliness of streets, and most importantly pollute and destroy sculptures.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

There are no restrictions in Barcelona. Pigeons are really tame, calmly sit on their hands.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

Some tourists shoot this action on video.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

It's amazing how the Barcelona authorities keep the pigeon population under control, which is regularly fed by irresponsible tourists for the sake of a beautiful shot. In Italy, for example, despite the bans and the fight against pigeons, they are much more numerous.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

While the idle public feeds pigeons, nearby other people are busy with more serious business-trying to solve their social and financial problems. A small but noisy picket was held outside the La Caxia bank branch.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona

The banner reads: "Big banks and bankers are thieves, return our savings." 2014 - the peak of the financial crisis in Spain, which threatened the solvency of leading banks. Despite the storm of emotions issued through a megaphone by the picketers, everything is within the bounds of decency. A couple of minutes after the start, a police car pulled up, but there were no attempts to stop the riot, the police are watching with a bored look. They did not show any emotions even when the protesters began to glue pieces of paper with demands on the windows of the office. The bank's security guard, who was standing at the door, also did not prevent this.

Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona