Canfranc international station. Locomotive depot
I entered the territory of the locomotive depot from a path that began at the footbridge over the river (on the map).

The path is marked on the tourist map, but there is a forbidding sign in front of the paths. After looking around, and finding no watchful guards or security cameras, I moved cautiously on. Perhaps the sign was left over from a time when traffic was heavy here.

Beyond the tracks, a white locomotive depot (on the map) arced around a turning circle.

Intermediate split rail mount. The screw caps are still as good as new.


I can't believe that such a machine could be turned by muscular force. Rather, with the help of this mechanism, the rails were precisely aligned after turning, so to speak, "fine tuning".

Паровоз заезжал на поворотный круг, затем разворачивался, и задом въезжал в депо для обслуживания.

Останки колонки для заправки паровозов водой.

Выходные стрелки испанского пути.

Похоже, стрелки имеют пневмопривод - рядом проходит труба.

Сторожка охраны тоннелей. Судя по карте, тоннели защищали еще и капитальные бетонные ДОТы.

After wandering among the ruins of former greatness, I returned to the Bank of the river, on which there were neat vegetable gardens of local residents.

Next to the beds, there were structures-canopies created from a variety of materials. Apparently, they store garden tools here, and perhaps even crops - there is no one to steal in such small settlements.

Meanwhile, the mountain valley was in shadow, and I headed for the bus stop.