Andalucia in March - Travel with LPSPhoto

This is the final part of a big trip Madrid - La Mancha - Extremadura - Andalucia

Zafra and Seville, 18/03

Seville more

Seville Alcazar, 19/03

Seville Alcazar

Seville Royal Alcazar: Lion gate (Puerta del León) and patio - Courtyard Of Monteria - Facade of Peter I Paclace - Hall of Justice (Sala de la Justicia) - Patio del Yeso - Palacio de Pedro I  - Cuarto del Almirante - English Gardens - Palacio Gotico - Calle Gloria - Cathedral de Sevilla: Southern facade decoration - Visit to the Giralda tower - View from Giralda tower - Tour to the Cathedral Rooftop - View from Cathedral rooftop - Under the arches of the Cathedral. The upper gallery - Seville Night more

Cadiz, 20/03

Cadiz more

San Fernando and Cadiz, 21/03

San Fernando more

Cadiz and Puerto Real, 22/03

Puerto Real more

Puerto Real and El Trocadero Natural Park, 23/03

El Trocadero Nature Park more

Puerto Real and El Puerto de Santa Maria, 24/03

El Puerto de Santa Maria more

El Puerto de Santa Maria, 25/03

El Puerto de Santa Maria more

Jerez de la Frontera, 26/03

Jerez de la Frontera more

El Puerto and Sanlucar, 27/03

Sanlucar more

Arcos de la Frontera, 28/03

Arcos de la Frontera more

Arcos and Ubrique, 29/03

Ubrique more

Ronda, 30/03

Ronda more

Setenil and Ronda, 31/03

Setenil more

Ronda-Malaga, 01/04

Ronda more

El Chorro, 02/04

El Chorro more

Malaga, 03/04

Malaga more

Malaga Airport, 04/04

Malaga Airport more