Electrical, mechanical, and optical devices. The Lara Museum, Ronda

Laboratory electrical measuring devices.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of electrical appliances
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of electrical appliances
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of electrical appliances
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of electrical appliances

Телефонные аппараты.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Telephone
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Telephone

Коллекция микроскопов.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of microscopes
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of microscopes

Навигационные приборы.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Navigation device
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Navigation device

Геодезические приборы.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Geodetic device

Коллекция театральных биноклей.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of theater binoculars
Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Collection of theater binoculars

Lever scales of various designs, used both in pharmaceuticals and in scientific laboratories.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. .Scales

Analytical laboratory scales of high accuracy.

Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Analytical balance


Rhonda. The Lara Museum. Dynamometer