Catania more
Etna Vulcano more
Randazzo more
Siracusa more
Noto more
Modica more
Ragusa more

From Ragusa to Gela by Train - Piazza Umberto I - Greek Acropolis (L'acropoli di Gela) - Museo Archeologico Regionale di Gela - Coin collection - Piazza Sant'Agostino - Municipal warehouses (Granai del Palazzo Ducale) - Church and monastery of Saint Augustine - Oil Platforms in the Gela Gulf - Corso Vittorio Emanuele - Mother's Church (Chiesa Madre) - Church of St. Francis of Assisi - Church of the Carmine - Villa Comunale Giuseppe Garibaldi - Gela promenade and the beach after a storm - Pontile sbarcatoio di Gela (Loading dock) - Capuchin Church of the lesser brothers (Chiesa Dei Frati Minori cappuccino) - Church Of San more
Agrigento more
Palermo more

From Palermo to Monreale by Bus - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele - Duomo di Monreale - Cathedral Interiors - Walk on Roof of Cathedral - Museo Diocesano - Piazza Guglielmo II - Benedictine Monastery - Colums Capitals of the Benedictine monastery - Church Of The Holy more
Cefalù more
Capo d'Orlando more
Messina more
Taormina more