Palazzo Grazioli - Piazza della Minerva
From the Piazza di Venezia we go on a tour of the "Squares of Rome". After looking at the Perspektiva of via del Corso, the main shopping street in Rome, and the Bonaparte Palace (on the right), we turn onto via del Plebiscito.

A block away, my attention was drawn to a circular image with a beautiful lantern on the corner of the Grazioli Palace (Palazzo Grazioli on the map), known as the residence of Silvio Berlusconi.

Turn right and go down a narrow street to Grazioli square (Piazza Grazioli on the map). The main attraction of the square is the cat on the cornice of the hotel Coronet (on the map). She is sitting on the corner, which is located to the right of the frame. Unfortunately, for some reason it didn't get into the frame.

Дойдя до Пьяцца Коллегио Романо, поворачиваем на кривую улицу с обескураживающим названием - улица мраморной ноги (Via di Piè di Marmo на карте).

And here is the artifact that gave the street its name. The foot belonged to a statue of a goddess that stood in front of the temple of ISIS and Serapis.
The street of the marble foot led us to the square of Minerva (Piazza della Minerva on the map).

Here is the only Gothic Church in Rome-Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. The Church is built on the ruins of the ancient Roman temple of Minerva
In the center of the square is a monument, popularly called "Minerva's
pig" (pulcin della Minerva), because the elephant on whose back stands
the obelisk looks like a pig. To be honest, I didn't see the resemblance... The ancient obelisk was once located in the temple of ISIS, and in 1667 was installed on a pedestal by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini.