Złotoryja. Kościół Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Złotoryi
The main temple of Zlatari Church Of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary (kościół pomocniczy pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny, on the map).

The history of the Church goes back to the first half of the thirteenth century, it is one of the oldest churches in Silesia. The first mention of the beginning of construction dates back to 1211, when Henry the Bearded, Prince of greater Poland, granted the settlement of gold miners the status of a city and gave it the name Zlotorya. The temple was built in several stages and changed its architectural style at least twice. The first was built on the Eastern part of the altar, low arches reminiscent of the Romanesque Basilica. There were plans to build two towers, which were never realized. The population of the city increased, the Church ceased to accommodate all parishioners,and a large prayer hall was added to the West, the architecture of which bears the features of the Westphalian style.

During the third stage, a new portal with a tower was added.

The fourth stage consisted in the construction of a bell tower behind the altar. A square tower with a side of about 9 meters rose to a height of 67 meters.

And the last change, the reconstruction of the facade, was made before the First World war.