Flea Market at the Porta Nolana
The fish aisles of Via Cesare Carmignano led me to the square in front of the Nolan Gate, where the Mercato di Porta Nolana is located.

Here you can buy quite decent shoes and clothes at very attractive prices (men's suit, for example, for 20 euros), as well as any small things of the most extensive range.

Some things are generally sold for "Uno Euro", and people who do not give the impression of beggars are eagerly digging through these rubble. Especially pleased with the buckets with old mobile phones, for which they ask from 20 euros, but after a little haggling they happily give for one. I haven't seen anyone show interest in them, but if there is an offer, then there is a demand.

The condition of non-Polish sidewalks near retail outlets makes an indelible impression on some tourists (by the way, there are not many of them here). Garbage is littered in every nook and cranny. At the same time, it is not surprising that the sidewalk itself is not dirty, since stone pavements are regularly washed, abundantly watered from water hoses, and such landfills are eliminated by the garbage collection service every night. Mostly plastic and paper packaging is lying around. Well, judging by the greasy leftovers, local homeless people are not in danger of starvation.