Basilica di Santa Chiara
The southeastern border of Piazza del Gesu Nuovo is formed by the largest monastery in Naples, Santa Chiara, built in the early 14th century by Robert the Wise (Roberto il Saggio) as a royal tomb of the Angevin dynasty. First of all, attention is attracted by the monumental church building (Basilica di Santa Chiara) in the style of Provencal Gothic, with a facade almost devoid of any decor. The king commissioned the construction of the architect Gagliardo Primario (Gagliardo Primario), the building was laid in 1310, the main work was completed in 1328, two more years took interior design. Services in the church began in 1330, but the dedication ceremony to St. Chiara took place only in 1341. The size of the building is amazing: the church has one nave with an internal length of 110.5 meters and a width of 33 meters. The walls of the nave are 47.5 meters high.

















