Reus. Prat de La Riba school (Escoles Prat de la Riba)
Escoles Prat de la Riba on the map, one of the most significant works of the architect Pere Ceselles.
The school bears the name of Enric Pratt (Enric Prat de la Riba i SarrĂ , 1870-1917). Prat, who comes from a well-to-do family, after completing a law course at the universities of Barcelona and Madrid in 1887,works for the public organization "center for Catalan education" (Centre Escolar Catalanista), and three years later becomes its President. He was a supporter of Catalan autonomy, with the aim of preserving the language and culture. In 1907, he founded the Institute for the study of Catalonia. Prat was a popular publicist, and his works played a significant role in reviving the national identity of Catalans at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The complex of buildings of the educational institution is built in the style of novesentism and consists of two large academic buildings connected by galleries.

The design of the buildings took into account their purpose - thanks to the large window, the classrooms turned out to be bright, and the ventilation system of the premises was also thought out. The facades are decorated with ceramic panels by the Catalan artist Francesc Labarta.

The school, built in 1911, still performs its function today.