The Istanbul Naval Museum, located on the shore of the Bosphorus near the berths of Beşiktaş, is widely known, but few people know about the military museum in Şişli. It is located far from the tourist routes, and I found out about it by looking through the list of city museums. It can be reached on foot from Taksim Square in 10-15 minutes along Cumhuriyet Avenue (about a kilometer). The museum struck me with its size and the almost complete absence of an audience. Apparently, they are deterred by the relatively high price - about 15 euros, but it is quite justified. The museum tells in great detail about the formation and development of the Armed Forces of the Ottoman state, learn about the great conquests and see extensive collections of weapons from different eras. I was particularly impressed by the panoramas-reconstructions of the most important battles. Unfortunately, the impression was spoiled by a small scandal when, after three hours of walking around the museum, I was charged for photographing, or deleting all photos from the camera. I shot mostly on a smartphone, and took only two dozen frames on a DSLR. Nevertheless, they demanded that I pay 270 liras (about 8 euros). After much wrangling with the staff, I deleted these frames, but immediately pulled out the CD card and restored them at home with a special program.































