Fishing Boats from Different Countries (Barcelona Museum)

Fishing has long been one of the main occupations of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast. In one of the halls of the Barcelona Maritime Museum, there is an exhibition of fishing boats.

Barcelona Maritime Museum

Boats of the Jábega type were common from Portugal to Catalonia and were intended for netting. This type of vessel appeared during the Moorish rule and its name comes from the Arabic word for "net", "seine". Boats are distinguished by bright coloring, individual for each fisherman. The museum presents the boat Maria del Carmen, made in 1926.

Barcelona Maritime Museum


Barcelona Maritime Museum


Barcelona Maritime Museum


Barcelona Maritime Museum

Here you can also see boats from other countries.

Barcelona Maritime Museum

A boat from the Philippines.

Barcelona Maritime Museum

A South American canoe is hollowed out of a tree trunk.

Barcelona Maritime Museum


Barcelona Maritime Museum

Model of a Sloop-of-war, a three-masted sailing warship with a gun count of 24 or less. It was used for a variety of purposes - from supplying large ships with supplies to research expeditions. Sloops were built from the mid-18th century to the 20s of the 19th century.

Barcelona Maritime Museum


Barcelona Maritime Museum
