Cais do Sodré Promenade

Near the Caix do Sodretrain station, on the banks of the Tagus, you can see the old salt warehouses (on the map) built in the early 20th century. Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

The last of them houses the IBO restaurant, where you can order both traditional Portuguese dishes and get acquainted with the cuisine of Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony. Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

Opposite the restaurant, there is a small Park on the embankment, decorated with colorful plastic structures that serve as seats. Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

From the embankment, you can see the water expanse of the Tagus, which is seven kilometers wide within the city. Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

На противоположный берег можно добраться скоростным паромом, которые ходят от терминала Кайш ду Содре. Лиссабон. Паром. Lisbon. Ferry

Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Ferry. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront. Ferry

Gentrification of this place began very recently - on satellite images in this place or old warehouses or construction site. The new waterfront will extend to the Area of Commerce. Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront

Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront Lisbon. The waterfront Cais do sodré. Lisbon Cais do Sodré waterfront