Lacco Ameno. Views from Monte Vico
After a walk to the Bay of San Montano in the Negombo Thermal Park, I headed to Monte Vico, on top of which is a five-star hotel with the same name as the bay - San Montano.

The road to the hotel rises along the eastern slope of the mountain, with a wonderful view of Lacco Ameno.

Beyond the town begins the slope of Monte Epomeo, the highest mountain on the island. From this side, you can only climb to the top with special training, the hiking route to Monte Epomeo begins on the other side, from the village of Fontana.

The steep slopes along the road are decorated with flowering vegetation.

Huge and prickly agave leaves are pruned so as not to interfere with pedestrians.

When I reached the landing a little below the hotel, I decided that it was not worth going any further, since there was very little time left before sunset, and the view was quite suitable.

A steep slope descends to the center of Lacco Ameno.

Right below us is Santa Restituta Square. Here is the building of the city administration, which resembles a castle with a tower.

Near the Basilica and the Museum of St. Restituta.

The square is surrounded by neat houses, mostly hotels, guest houses, guest houses. In mid-April, they are still empty, there are very few tourists.

Tanks on the roofs of houses - a common phenomenon in southern Italy. The water supply here does not work well, sometimes the pressure is very weak, so each house, or even apartment, has its own pressure system.

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, we will get to know it better.

Marina of Lacco Ameno, still deserted at this time of year, most of the boats are on the shore. When the season starts, restaurants will need more fresh fish, and vacationers will be in demand for water trips, it will be much busier here.

Here we see the main attraction of the town-the tuff rock Fungo.

Meanwhile, the white tuff cliffs of Monte Epomeo began to turn a golden sunset hue.

It was time to go down to the city, as there was very little daylight left. Here, for the first time, I envied those who come to the island for a couple of weeks - in a good way, you need to spend at least a day on this corner of Ischia to walk along the beautiful walking routes of Ponte Caruso.