Aragonese castle. Museum of Medieval period

The route through the castle ends in a small but very interesting Museum. Here is a collection of objects, wonderful convey the spirit of the middle ages. Photographing it is not allowed, but the exhibits are so impressed me, so I quietly took a few pictures.

First - weapons collection. Some samples, such as this dagger with a jagged strike extreme inhumane.

Comname, invented by the ancient Greeks, was used for a dozen centuries.

Small bow and its development - crossbow, which had great stopping power and accuracy.

drawing depicting the device of the crossbow.

Technical progress in the middle ages were put at the service of the Inquisition.

a Variety of ways of causing suffering is immense!

pattern "testing the faith" scary even to watch

that have experienced "the defendant", do not want to think.

surprised to learn that a chastity belt was not only for women but also men.