Sculpture 'Gesu fate luce', Ischia Porto
On the San Girolamo square has an interesting monument (на карте), the name of which can be translated as "Jesus giving light".

The author of this work is a self-taught artist Lello Esposito (1957г), native of Naples. By the way, I peeked by his studio on Via San Biagio Dei Librai in Naples a couple of days ago.

Esposito began his career as a sculptor at the age of 16 making masks Pulcinella - the traditional character of the Italian Comedy del Arte. This image occupies the main place in his subsequent work, in 1990 the artist became a laureate of the international masks exhibition at the mercadante theater. Pulcinella was followed by other images of Neapolitan culture - from volcanoes to St. Januarius.

The sculptor uses a variety of materials and technologies-wrought iron, bronze and aluminum casting, clay, wax, paint oil paintings with the addition of acrylic.

Sculpture Gesu fate luce was bought by the famous writer Domenico Rea and donated to the municipality of Ischia Porto.