Forio Shopping Streets
From the former market square begins the shopping area - Via Erasmo di Lustro.

First of all, the town is famous for its ceramic workshops that produce both souvenir and utilitarian products.

In grocery stores you can buy sweets, in particular, local cookies are very popular.

And of course, souvenirs and beach accessories. Despite the fact that Forio is located at the far end of the island and the beach season has not yet started, it seemed to me that its streets are more lively than in Ischia Porto.

When you reach the intersection, you can turn left on Via Matteo Verde, where there are also many shops. Here you can see a beautiful mansion in a classic style.

Interestingly, behind the elegant facade hides a gloomy box without windows. What is here now is unknown, there is no sign, but the map says that there used to be a branch of the Carabinieri here.

At the corner of Via Erasmo di Lustro and Corso Avvocato Francesco Regine is the Basilica of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto, which we will visit again.

A little further on, on the other side of the street, is the Morgero Tower (Torre di via Morgera). The structure was built in 1500-1548 by the Morgero family for defensive purposes - at that time the island's population was annoyed by frequent Saracen raids. Such towers could withstand the siege of pirates and became shelters for residents of an entire block. In Forio and other towns of the island, several more such towers have been preserved.

Via Francesco Regine, the main shopping thoroughfare of Forio, crosses Piazza Matteotti, which is considered the city's culinary center, and we will get to know it in more detail later.

The shopping area ends at Cafe Florio.

Then you can go through Piazza Giovanni Mazzella to the Quai Christopher Columbus.

The promenade will take you to Cape Soccorso, where the legendary church of the same name is located.