Monte Epomeo. Flora and fauna
Аgain looking at conquered the summit, I headed down a familiar path.

Below I found a small plantation with a greenhouse - apparently the school provides fresh vegetables on their own.

to Descend the stone chute was more difficult than the climb.

Then I thought that I was carrying trekking poles from the house.

Below "the sheep's forehead" leading to the top, the trail in Forio, as reported by the inscription on the boulder. I read about this route, its length is about 5 kilometers, the road goes down almost everywhere. If there is time, I definitely went there.

Here there is a picturesque glade.

fancy Me tuff formation reminded the head of a lizard, of which there are in abundance running over stones.

out of the clearing overlooking the gentle slope of the mountain of Pietra del Aqua, which is only 69 feet below mount Epomeo.

Local kind of Anemone (Anemone hortensis, Anemone Stellata) blooms year-round.

the Path to the top is becoming too busy.

Route does not require special physical training, so on the trail meet tourists of all ages.

to Ascend to the extinct volcano on the horse.

animal-drawn transport is based at the restaurant, where the path to the top.

meanwhile, the landscape perked up from behind the rock there was a small flock of sheep

under the supervision of the driver

and his dog.

Their appearance aroused the interest of the traveling public.

Little lamb, too, was glad the meeting and skipping hurried toward strangers, cheerfully waving his ears.

And the dog at this time, the master visited the neighborhood.

Sheep continued to peacefully nibble the grass, not paying attention to tourists,

surrounded by little white-fluffy little babies.

a True Alpine idyll.

Acquainted with the local flora and fauna, I went down the stone trough the mountain path, towards the Fountain.