Taormina. Evening with a view of Etna
The second evening in Taormina, it is also the final one in my on a month-long trip to Sicily, I decided to just sit in a public garden, which it is located at the very end of the Corso Umberto, in front of the Excelsior hotel (on the map).

This small Park offers a wonderful view of the city. view of the main natural attraction of Sicily - mount Etna. I I was determined to just watch the sunset with the naked eye, not in the dark. the camera's viewfinder, but the picture was so impressive that I I couldn't stand it, so I turned the tripod around and took a few frames in camera mode bracketing. I offer you various processing options. The first photo is a simple combination of three images taken at intervals exposures in 2EV - with normal exposure, dark and light. In use the Hugin software package to get these frames together, we get the following image:

.Except for the TIFF (or JPEG) format images, check the box next to the "wide dynamic mode range", resulting in an HDR file in EXR format. But what about him we are already working in the LuminanceHDR program. Below the image c is extreme bright colors obtained in the style of processing Fattal:

The result of processing in the style of Mantiuk '06 -" classic " HDR image:

Meanwhile, in the crater of the Smoking volcano there was a revival - dark emissions began to appear. To take a picture this is bigger, I need a telephoto lens, but it was stolen from me in Palermo. back, along with the second device (this is a separate cautionary tale). Accepting the loss without much emotion, and knowing what to buy TV guide in Sicily there is no financial opportunity, I quickly found its replacement is a pocket" soap dish " Canon IXUS-160, which I use for operational surveys and all sorts of small things on which it is a pity to spend resource of the DSLR shutter. The device, with all its disadvantages (there are no manual ones a fairly noisy matrix of 20mp), has quite decent octal optics. By screwing it on a tripod, I got this view of the Etna crater on the background of the sunset.

Then I took a little pictures with the same soap dish on the video. The roller is accelerated about 6 times, actually moving volcanic gases are very unhurried. I must say that from the place of shooting the top of mount Etna is about 28 kilometers away - can you imagine the scale the crater.
While I was shooting the video, it got dark, the lights came on, and the view was even more spectacular. I hit the six again, and it was gone. unfolding vertically, I made a panorama, 3 frames, of course, with brettingham. Result of Hugin's operation.

Here I played around with the EXR file in LuminanceHDR with Ashikhmin style.

Processing in Mautink ' 06 has well highlighted the contrails from aircraft, which have almost disappeared in the sky and are invisible to the eye.

And another view of Etna on the background of the sunset. Mautink'06.

Reinhard05 Style. Well, very ekstremalnye color.

A quieter Fattal.

In conclusion about the "iron": Canon 6d with EF lens 17-40 / 4L, already mentioned Canon IXUS-160 compact and carbon tripod Sirui T025X with Dörr HB-24 head.