Divina Pastora Church, Motril (Parroquia Divina Pastora)

In the central part of the old town, on the northwest corner of Plaza Jaime García Royo, there is a parish church, formerly belonging to the monastery of the Capuchin Order (Parroquia Divina Pastora). The first Capuchin preachers appeared in Motril in 1641, which caused discontent among the Franciscans and Minimums (Ordo Minimorum), who already had their adherents and influence in the city. Despite the opposition, in 1652 the Capuchins received permission to build a monastery, and in 1656 the monastery church was consecrated. At that time, there were only 40 novices in the monastery, because of extreme poverty, the monastery church was built single-nave, with interiors without any frills. The monastery was abolished in 1843, a silk factory was established in its premises, and the church became a parish. The church houses two figures of the Virgin of Soledad (Nuestra Señora de la Soledad) and the Dead Christ (Santísimo Cristo Yacente). During the Easter holidays, on Holy Saturday, these figures lead a procession through the city streets. In addition, in October, parishioners hold a procession in the name of the Holy Shepherdess (Divina Pactora), the patroness of their churches.








